Mama always called New Brunswick “Canada’s Best Kept Secret”, but now the secret is out of the bag in a big way. It’s important to note (and give ourselves a pat on the back) that just days ago it was announced that the Atlantic bubble has rated #2 safest place in the world to live second only to New Zealand! Wow! That’s quite an accomplishment! And as I’ve said since the start of Covid “I’m sooooo happy that I live in New Brunswick”!
Is the local market starting to cool a wee bit? Speaking with other Realtors they are not seeing the quantity of inquiries nor the flood of offers flying in from Ontario this past three weeks that they were bombarded with earlier in the year. Why is this? Possibly as the Covid vaccine rolls out it’s taking the panic off Ontario residents to get out of Dodge asap! Our province has come into the forefront through the news media as a great place to live. Who knows? Mama believes our house prices will stay strong and steady but the market will not be as insane as it’s been this past year. Whew, I don’t know if I could take much more!
We always knew it was a beautiful province with its rivers, lakes, valleys and bold oceanfront (that’s why it’s called the picture province), we knew New Brunswickers are the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, going out their way to help a neighbour or a stranger, the cost of living is affordable (except the property tax! ) even with the cost of homes rising this past year the price is still a fraction of the other provinces but who knew we’d bunker down as a community and beat this pandemic better than any place in North America and second best in the world. To all New Brunswickers I take my hat off (if I had a hat)! Job well done!
It’s nice to see things loosen up lately. I notice on my walks that everyone is not wearing a mask outdoor. TG we furry four-legged friends didn’t have to go that route! I remember in the last year when Mama, Papa and everyone we met at Spy Glass Hill were wearing their mask and none of us furry friends could play together but had to keep our distance too. It was a real drag, especially for Nicholas who is such a social animal! Now we’re all back playing together and he’s running through the long grass racing with his besties with that big goofy smile on his face! You go guy, I’ll just sit back here and watch.
No surprise our 311 Bay Crescent Drive property is sold MLS#NB059426, $249,000. The selling features were the large private yard, water view and of course my personal favourite thing The Beach! This home came with beach rights with new stairs down to a nice sandy beach on Grand Bay. The fun I could have there! In a community like this I could have a part time job as the summer life guard! You know us Newfs were bred to rescue fishermen who fell off the fishing boats. Well it doesn’t stop there, we recue anyone in trouble in the water. When I go to the beach with Mama and she’s in swimming I keep a very diligent eye on her at all times. I just keep circling her and looking deep into eyes to see if there’s any sign of panic because if there is I’m ready! She often swims over and grabs me by the fur on my hips with both hands and I instantly head to shore with her floating out behind me. I’m big and strong with huge webbed feet, everything about me is built for strong swimming and to help anyone who may need help in the water.
Mama is showing houses on Saturday but Nicholas and I are hoping that we get out to the beach for a swim on Sunday. Whatever you’re planning I wish you another great weekend in New Brunswick!
Your pal,