Great to see the sun shine as we wind down these last precious weeks of summer but our lawn is getting pretty dry as is our neighbours!!! Hope to enjoy a sunny weekend especially as Mama has clients in from out of the country who will be seeing Southern NB at it’s best. She’s been telling them about our beautiful summers with the fresh breeze off the Bay of Fundy which means low humidity for us which is such a treasure in the summer! Makes us feel really spoiled!
Nicholas has a nice visit to our 15.8 acres on the Meenans Cove Road yesterday with the guys from Design Art Signs who do our large display signs. Gorgeous big property with majestic virgin woods and huge trees along Mathews Cove on the Kennebecasis River. Endless possibilities with this size of property as a few waterfront lots, some waterfront and some water access lots or keep the entire thing for an estate size property.
Nicholas enjoys a fresh breeze off the water.
Awesome new listing in Rothesay at 15 Clark Road with huge very private yard, well-kept house with inviting covered verandah and best of all it’s all fenced! This is a double whammy as 1/it keeps the deer out of your garden and 2/ it’s perfect for small children and pets who would enjoy to freely roam the yard with no fear of wondering off.
Impressive entrance to the property.
Lovely large flat yard and lots of privacy!
I have a lucky friend living at this address named Ibiza, a beautiful Irish Wolfhound. See my photo and video attached and you’ll see why Ibiza needs a big yard! She so tall she makes Big Bud feel like a midget! Ibiza resting at home.
Click on link below to view the video.
Oliver Ouellet enjoyed a visit with him Mama Amy to 546 Seeley’s Cove Road today. Loving the beautiful weather and the awesome ocean view!
Wishing you an awesome weekend. If you see me out and about in my red truck be sure to say hello!
Your pal,