Blogging With Buddy April 28th, 2017

We’re as busy as bees this weekend with four outstanding Fine Homes International open houses!  Starting Saturday night with a rare offering of an exclusive Twilight Open House from 6 – 8 pm at 53 Meenans Cove Road off the Arterial to the Gondola Point Ferry.  This eight year old, one of a kind, architecturally designed, waterfront home overflows with character married with building excellence and rare imported granite, wood finishes, lighting and plumbing fixtures.  Features include solid cherry trim, 10-11.5 foot ceilings, in-floor hot water heating, upscale appliances, R-values from 27-60 and cosy oversized wood burning fireplace. My favourite feature by far is the slate tiled covered deck overlooking the water, the perfect place for Nicholas and I to relax after a refreshing swim in the river!  Oh joy, oh bliss!  Lucky the dog who lives here!


Then Sunday is a big day with three open houses from 2-4pm with Mama at 21 Upper Deck Lane $478,000, the waterfront condo in Drury Cove, Candace at 241 Eriskay Drive, Rothesay the stylish ranch-style with a new price of $549,800 and Amy right next door at 229 Eriskay Drive, the stunning stone façade executive family home with a new price of $958,000.  We hope you can join us at one or all three!

        21 Upper Deck, Drury Cove, Waterfront Condo.  Open House Sunday 2-4pm

241 Eriskay Drive, Rothesay.  Jass Lynch’s easy living ranch.  Sunday 2-4pm


229 Eriskay Drive, Rothesay.  2-Storey executive home.  Sunday 2-4pm.

Hoping to get out Saturday for my second swim on the year, weather permitting, if Mama has time before her open house.  My friends Special and Spirit Adams have been swimming since the ice went out!  They are Chesapeake Bay Retrievers with a double coat like me so the cold water doesn’t bother them.  I’d be right in there with you girls if I could, you’re lucky you live right on the waterfront and can jump right in whenever you want.   Spirit has her first birthday coming up soon.  I can remember when she was this sweet little wheat coloured puppy that her mother could carry in her arms.  Mama came home going on about the wonderful puppy smell!  Well we can’t be puppies forever!  Now Spirit, at 80 pounds, is bigger than Nicholas!  The Budster has his fifth birthday coming up next month.  I’m hoping to have friends over for a cheese burger picnic.  Maybe this year we can have A&W Buddy Burgers!  No additives, no steroids!  My own personal favourite!  Gus Dixon warned us, “Dont’ tell our vets or it will all be nixed before we even get started!”  Wise man, Gus Dixon, Mums the word!  Nicholas and I love little Gus, he’s a little dog (Westie) with a big attitude!  We love the way he struts around like a big dog!

At least all this rain is greening things up!  Pretty soon Nicholas and I will wake up early in the morning to the sound of whack, whack, whack as golfers start drilling balls across the golf course.  The first few days the real enthusiasts are out there in the pitch black!  Nicholas said, “What the heck are they doing out there in the dark?”  I said, “Look closely my little friend, they have balls that glow in the dark!!!”  They’re getting in a few rounds before they hit the office.  Nicholas says, “I’m a ball fanatic but I’ve seen it all now.”

Have a good weekend and stay dry unless you’re like me and plan on jumping in the bay!

Your pal,

Big Buddy Bacon


Blogging with Buddy April 21st, 2017

Is this truly spring?  I can’t be sure when I wake up two mornings this week to the ground covered with the white stuff and more of it gently falling!  Mama says the first day of spring was March 20th, a month ago, but it doesn’t look much like spring to Big Buddy Bacon.  Nicholas says it doesn’t feel much like spring either as he’s still sometimes wearing his winter coat out in the mornings and for the last trip out at night!  Mama keeps watching her garden watching for those first crocuses to poke their pretty white, yellow and purple heads out of the ground!  She gets so excited about her garden.  Us boys can’t even step one foot in it and we hear “Out of the garden boys!”  And we know that she means now!  How is Big Buddy supposed to stop and smell the roses if he can’t step into the garden?

Team Platinum is all excited about the recent sale of a gorgeous home at 6 Evergreen Park Drive in Quispamsis.  This stunner listed at $848,000 is located on 1.5 acres overlooking the Kennebecasis River and will close the end of June.   Homes in Southern NB don’t get much nicer than this one!  Congratulation to the buyers and the sellers.

Team Platinum has a special request!  We are looking for a couple of special properties for serious buyers.  The first is a piece of land required in Saint John with a minimum of 3 acres or more.  It must be zoned commercial or can be zoned commercial, on the public transit bus route and centrally located.  Preferably close to walking trails or a park.  The second is a bungalow, one level ranch style home in the valley.  Minimum 1700 square feet, 5 years old or less, 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a walkout basement and 2-car garage.  If you have something like this or you know of someone who does, give us a call!

We have several open houses planed for next weekend April 29th and 30th.  Stay posted for details.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend and don’t worry, spring is truly just around the corner, this is just a little cold snap we’re going through!  Better days are coming!

Your pal,

Big Buddy Bacon


Blogging With Buddy April 16th, 2017

A very Happy Easter to you and yours from Nicholas and I!    We hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend, I know my family is looking forward to it.  Like most families we’ll be starting to clean up our yard and garden now that the warmer weather is here.  If we could just get one really heavy rain the grass would pop to it’s vibrant green again.  I’ll be supervising Mama and Papa as they rejuvenate the big 6 foot diameter wreath at our front door, filling it with spring flowers.  It’s always a chore and Papa hauls out a huge aluminum ladder as I watch them go up and down, up and down adjusting flowers here and there until they get it just right.  We’re really excited that our Auntie Blue, Uncle Clinton and the twins just got home Wednesday from the sunny south, just in time to celebrate Easter with us.  We’ll all be together for a big turkey dinner on Sunday along with our  Uncle Tom and Aunt Shelley.  Nicholas and I sure love turkey and our vet says it’s very good for us,  so we’re happy puppies! Yummy, yummy.

I’ve been faithfully doing my underwater treadmill at the vet all winter keeping my muscle mass built up and my fat level down (he says) but if the weather stays nice this weekend Mama has promised me a trip to New River so that I might swim in the bay!  Oh joy, oh bliss!  What could be more exciting for a Newfoundland dog?  Not too much, the Budster will attest!!!  Nicholas will run around the beach, acting the fool and chasing a ball  but the water will be too cold for him.  Not too cold for the Budster, I’ll jump right in!  I find it sooo refreshing.  Seems like forever since I had my last swim, last fall.

Team Platinum has been as busy as bees  this spring with Mama and Candace racking up the sales!  It’s so nice after several years of a soft market to see things on the move again.  This is easily the busiest we’ve been in 5 years!  So good for buyers to find their dream homes in the middle of an inviting economy with mortgage rates at an all time low.  So good for the sellers to know that families are relocating to our area again and local families are ready for a change.  Some are upsizing, looking for an extra bedroom , a larger yard or a pool, some empty nesters are down sizing, looking to simplify their lives with an easy care home with low maintenance.  Boaters, sailors, canoers and kayakers are looking for waterfront property to enjoy their summer fun.   Young professionals are excited about their first home or condominium.  Retirees want to head south for spell in the winter, lock the door of a condo and forget about the snow for awhile.  It’s all about lifestyle and no matter what your dreams are we can help make it happen!  So we say leap into spring in the home of your dreams!


Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter, hope the bunny finds your house and mine!

Your pal,

Big Buddy Bacon

Blogging with Buddy April 7th, 2017

April showers bring May flowers!  Big Buddy Bacon is all ready for the showers and so is his little side kick, Nicholas.  We’ve got our snappy yellow rain coats all set out for the wet weather with New Brunswick tartan collars, pocket and lining.  We had to have them custom made as no stores here sell coats for a dog built like Buddy Bacon.  I think they are pretty cool, waterproof and little Nicolas is strutting proud in his holding his tail high!


Candace sold another house today in Woodleigh Park on Colchester Dr!  Yeah Candace, way to go!  We’re so proud of you!  Gus Dixon was in this week for his professional cut and shampoo, getting all dolled up and looking fine!  That’s all Mama had to hear and she’s right on our case to get a long overdo bath.  For heaven sake’s Gus, don’t say anything just hit the groomer and keep it to yourself.  Now we’re gonna be nagged day and night until we jump in that tub!!!  I did get my nails trimmed when I was at the vet today for my water treadmill session with Bogdan.  I gotta stay in shape because I’ve been working at it all winter and beach weather is right around the corner and will be here before I know it!

Nice article in the TJ this past week on our dear friend Sandy Robertson’s fantastic private island with drive-on causeway, Robertson’s Point.  Buddy Bacon can tell you that he’s been out on this island and it is truly awesome with groomed trails, beaches, great swimming, boating, deep water anchorage and some of the best sunset views you’ll see this side of Hawaii, all that a big loveable Newfoundland boy could ever ask for in a property and more.  Check it out below and call Mama for a tour.  The perfect spot for your dream home!


The Team will not be hosting open houses on Easter weekend in respect for the season and also in respect for our sellers who want to enjoy quality time with their families from near and far.  We will resume on the 29th and 30th with some special events.  Keep posted for more details!

Jazzy Burns (Standard Poodle) at 17 Waterview Place dropped the price of his home today to $325,000.  This is great value for a very high quality, architecturally designed home with a huge acre plus fenced yard, 9-16 foot ceilings, hardwood floors and cosy wood-burning fireplace.  Be careful jazzy not to snuggle up too close to that cosy flame just in case the sparks fly!  Jazzy is a wild and crazy guy just like our Nicholas and I’m thinking these guys would have a ball together!  I’m going to mention it to Mama that she should set up a play date for the two of them.  I’m not sure who’ll run faster or jump higher but Buddy Bacon is ready to watch all the action from the side-lines!


Our little cousins Myra and Lucas (the Pomeranian twins) will be heading home from the sunny south this Sunday, leaving early at 6am!  Not a day too soon with temperatures there hitting 98F recently they can’t wait to get back to the air conditioned city and to their home here in the valley.  They will take their time with Uncle Clinton at the wheel and Aunt Blue navigating the highways and byways.  They’ve been doing this for 20 years so they know these roads like the back of their hand.  We expect them to arrive sometime Wednesday and we just can hardly wait!  Its going to be a shocker when they arrive here and it’s still below freezing at night.  We sent Uncle Clinton a text and warned him to get out his Stansfield’s and to brace himself!  We don’t worry about the cousins as they have gorgeous big red coats like foxes but what about our dear Auntie Blue!  She’d better get out her flannels, wool sweater, warmest jacket and even her gloves because it’s going to be a shocker long before she gets anywhere near our border.

Have a great weekend and we’ll talk with you soon.

Big Buddy Bacon


Blogging with Buddy March 31st, 2017

Congratulations to Herbie Paxton on the sale of his beautiful waterfront home in Morrisdale.  If I had any say I’d have been moving right into this one myself Herbie!  With the big yard, fine sandy beach and deep waterfront for swimming, it’s all the Budster really wants in life.  Oh, and I almost forgot, there was an awesome house thrown into the package too!  Nice pic of Herbie below on his patio in Morrisdale.  Good luck to you and your family in your new home Herbie!

We thought we were getting off easy but winter is back!  And don’t I know it!  I was on my way home from the clinic with Mama on Monday from my water treadmill session with Dr. Bogdan and we stepped out of the clinic into a winter wonderland!  A lot of wet fresh fallen snow had come down while I was in my appointment.  Good thing we’re driving an all-wheel drive SUV and it’s not too far from the clinc at the Fairvale Animal Hospital to our house on Renshaw Road because we barely make it home!  The road was covered with a coating of ice and then six inches of snow on top of it.  Even though Mama drove super slow, we were sliding all around as were the other drivers.  When we tuned from the Rothesay Road into the Renshaw Road we made in onto Renshaw and then slam right into the snow bank!  I couldn’t believe it, I looked all around and said, “What to heck Mama, keep’r between the poles please!”  Good thing mama had the Budster in back for extra weight over the wheels for added traction.  And good thing she has lots of experience with driving in icy conditions as we needed this combo to get out of that snow bank.  When she was around 20 she used to ice race motorcycles, something like flat track.  As she says, that wasn’t yesterday!  I say, that’s okay, just use what you know and get us to heck out of here.  So we gently rocked back and forth a few times and out we came.  Then the challenge was to get up that big long hill.  This is where I think it was very important that I added this extra weight to the back.  We kept gaining momentum as we went  and flew right into our garage.  Nicholas had stayed home with papa and I told him all about it.  “You missed all the action little fella”.  Mama says spring is going to hit any day now and let me tell you we’re all ready!

Candace is busy with another out of town buyer this weekend and the Team has several open houses planned for Saturday and Sunday, all between 2pm and 4pm.  On Saturday we are featuring 467 Clearview Row, West at $249,000 and 241 Eriskay Drive Rothesay at $578,000.  Then Sunday we feature 2374 Rothesay Road at $650,000 and 3105 Rothesay Road at $989,000.  We invite you to drop by to view this exceptional properties.  Hope to see you soon,

Your pal

Big Buddy Bacon