What a nice surprise! We bumped in to our old friends Jennifer and Apollo on the Allison Trails this week. Wow has he ever grown into a handsome Bernese. He is as tall as me now but not as (shall we say) stocky. He had just come from the groomer and his black coat was just shinning. He is two years old now and still very frisky. He had a great time romping with Nicholas in the tall grass. Mama, Daddy and Jennifer had a great laugh at the fiasco the three of us put on. We hope to run into them again really soon.
We are getting all ready for Halloween. Nicholas is going to be a pirate and I’m going to be a baby. Can you imagine, a B A B Y! My Auntie Blue gave me a big blue baby bonnet to wear and an over-sized soother to hang around my neck and then Mama made me this great big white diaper from an old sheet. I tried it on and the whole family was just hooting with laughter. Nicholas kept trying to rip the diaper off me. I think he’s trying to tell me something. Nicholas and I are going to go trick or treating across the street at our friend Everett’s house. I wonder if he’ll recognize us, Nicholas doesn’t think so !
We had a visit last week from our new friends Bonny and Murray. They are real dog people and we really like them. I sat right up beside Murray on the couch and he talked to me and rubbed my white chest. Heaven! (see pic attached). He told me that I’m the most beautiful big dog he’s ever seen, (just keep it coming Murray!). Hope to see them again real soon!
This Monday our cousins Myra and Lucas are leaving for Florida for the winter. They are all packed and set to go, eager to be on the road. They are really good travellers with our Uncle Clinton at the wheel and our Auntie Blue giving directions. They are getting out of Dodge before the snow flies. Myra and Lucas weigh about 5 pounds each, they can’t take the cold and snow like Big Buddy Bacon. They’d die if they saw us in the heart of winter with me rolling around making Snow Angles and Nichols running like a Banshee up and down the snow drifts wide open! We love it but it’s not for toy Pomeranians. They’ll be out driving around their neighbourhood in Uncle Clinton’s golf cart with the warm breeze blowing through their beautiful long red hair. We’ll share the pics when we get them.
More open houses this weekend with Mama at the gorgeous 36 Maliseet Drive in Rothesay with the awesome Wolfe kitchen that she keeps ranting about! Steven is at 43 Bel Air Avenue in Rothesay Landing, the brand new high-end bungalow by McKay Builders with all the bells and whistles. Drop by to say hello, they are both always happy to see you and show off the stunning homes of Prudential Platinum Properties! You won’t be disappointed!
Happy Haunting!
Your Pal,