Yahoo! I now have my own email address!!! We’re getting all ready for Santa Paws on the big night, both so excited we can hardly sleep! We put our own tree up last week and yesterday helped Mama and Daddy with theirs. We had a few little accidents with big bushy tails sending ornaments flying across the room but the bottom three feet of the tree is decorated with unbreakable ornaments so no biggy! Whew, TG for that!!!
Nicholas helped me with the letter to Santa, although I did the typing myself as usual. He can’t use the computer but he does contribute with some good ideas!
Dear Santa Paws,
This is Buddy Bacon here in Rothesay with my little brother Nicholas. We hope all is well with you and Mrs Claus (saw her on a TV show last week, nice looking gal, wink, wink). We have been very good boys all year. Nicholas has been eating his meals regular (no problem there with the Big Bud), we haven’t been wrecking anything in the house or playing tug of war with the bath towels, I’ve stopped ripping branches off Mama’s prize lilac tree and of course we’ve been doing all our business outdoors even when it feels like it’s 20 below zero! Mama confirms that we’ve been very good (please wait until New Year’s if you plan on questioning Daddy)! We are very much hoping that you will find our house on Christmas Eve. Daddy’s got the landing lights out and we have our own small tree beside the fireplace in the family room. Nicholas is looking for a new ball that will bounce very high, I’m looking for a plush squeaky toy to carry around the house and we both would thoroughly enjoy our favourite treats; Marrowbones, Milk Bones, Dental Bones and of course Buddy Biscuits. Mama and Daddy will be out to church that evening but we’ll be here waiting for you. We are going to leave you out some of Mama’s homemade thumbprint cookies and a nice glass of milk. I got the new iBone smart phone so I’m going to try to take a selfie of Nicholas and I with you!!! Can’t wait to email it off to our friends! Please don’t forget our cousins Myra and Lucas in Florida and our furry friends here in Rothesay; Bluebell, Casey, Finnigan, Molly, Abby and those that we’ve met at Spy Glass Hill, on the Allison trails, the Quispamsis Dog Park and New River Beach last summer.
Safe sledding Santa, hope to see you real soon!
Your pal,
Big Buddy Bacon
and his little side kick, Nicholas
Reply from Buddy’s Blog:
Buddy, Rave and Tux really enjoyed having your Santa Paws letter read to them. Very nice letter, and you are a great typist, my what a smart boy you are. Have a very Merry Christmas. Rave and Tux thank you for the iBone Phone suggestion, probably the only dog toy they do not already own. Tux just loves squeak toys.
Gail Nelson Scovil
Sussex, N B Canada