A very Happy Easter to you and yours from Nicholas and I! We hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend, I know my family is looking forward to it. Like most families we’ll be starting to clean up our yard and garden now that the warmer weather is here. If we could just get one really heavy rain the grass would pop to it’s vibrant green again. I’ll be supervising Mama and Papa as they rejuvenate the big 6 foot diameter wreath at our front door, filling it with spring flowers. It’s always a chore and Papa hauls out a huge aluminum ladder as I watch them go up and down, up and down adjusting flowers here and there until they get it just right. We’re really excited that our Auntie Blue, Uncle Clinton and the twins just got home Wednesday from the sunny south, just in time to celebrate Easter with us. We’ll all be together for a big turkey dinner on Sunday along with our Uncle Tom and Aunt Shelley. Nicholas and I sure love turkey and our vet says it’s very good for us, so we’re happy puppies! Yummy, yummy.
I’ve been faithfully doing my underwater treadmill at the vet all winter keeping my muscle mass built up and my fat level down (he says) but if the weather stays nice this weekend Mama has promised me a trip to New River so that I might swim in the bay! Oh joy, oh bliss! What could be more exciting for a Newfoundland dog? Not too much, the Budster will attest!!! Nicholas will run around the beach, acting the fool and chasing a ball but the water will be too cold for him. Not too cold for the Budster, I’ll jump right in! I find it sooo refreshing. Seems like forever since I had my last swim, last fall.
Team Platinum has been as busy as bees this spring with Mama and Candace racking up the sales! It’s so nice after several years of a soft market to see things on the move again. This is easily the busiest we’ve been in 5 years! So good for buyers to find their dream homes in the middle of an inviting economy with mortgage rates at an all time low. So good for the sellers to know that families are relocating to our area again and local families are ready for a change. Some are upsizing, looking for an extra bedroom , a larger yard or a pool, some empty nesters are down sizing, looking to simplify their lives with an easy care home with low maintenance. Boaters, sailors, canoers and kayakers are looking for waterfront property to enjoy their summer fun. Young professionals are excited about their first home or condominium. Retirees want to head south for spell in the winter, lock the door of a condo and forget about the snow for awhile. It’s all about lifestyle and no matter what your dreams are we can help make it happen! So we say leap into spring in the home of your dreams!
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter, hope the bunny finds your house and mine!
Your pal,