Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from Big Buddy Bacon and his little brother Nicholas! Hope you are enjoy a sunny relaxing long weekend. The nights have been crisp but the days have been fabulous. We sure are looking forward to some quality time with Mama and Daddy with some nice long walks planned to admire the autumn foliage which is coming into all its glory now. Mama’s planning her big Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday. Our mouths just water thinking about that big juicy Butterball she’ll be pulling out of the oven tomorrow along with all the fixings. She’s been fussing over the autumn décor inside and out for days. Everything has to be just so (that’s the designer in her), driving Daddy crazy! We must say that he’s been a big help and we’ve been working right along with him doing what we can to keep him motivated and laughing. As long as Daddy stays laughing then all is copacetic!
On one of our walks this week over at Spy Glass Hill and the Allison trails we made a new friend. Well I should say I made a new friend. Lucy a 1 ½ year old Golden Doodle (more of a platinum blonde) was all over me! Mama thought with her high energy, jumping and bolting here and there that she’d be the perfect playmate for Nicholas but she took one look at the Big Budster and that was it! She didn’t even know he existed. Ran right up to my face, stood on her hind legs and wrapped both paws right around my neck, giving me a big hug. Whoa Bessy, don’t know what I did to deserve this, but keep it coming! I was frozen and just starred at her! Nicholas said I should have given her a kiss but not to a stranger that may come next week (stay posted). He raced around trying to distract her but she just hung with the Budster. Must be my glowing personality, shining black and white coat and manly physique! Nicholas eat your heart out!
The team are taking a well-deserved break this weekend from open houses to spend quality time with their families giving thanks with grateful hearts. Steven’s having a family get together, Pam’s planning not one but two turkey dinners and you know with her, it will be a full out autumn decoration extravaganza and full boar feast! Mama says there is absolutely nothings this lady can’t make to perfection!!! Nicholas and I were going to put our names forward for table scrapes at her house but Mama said it’s too late, her labs Molly and Abby are first in line and already drooling over the idea! Lucky dogs but our dinner here won’t be too shabby either! We bet our pals are just counting down the hours! To all our furry four legged friends we say “We’re with ya, Paws crossed and tongues hanging”!
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday,
Your Pal,