Nicholas News November 10th 2022

Remembrance Day is tomorrow and it’s so very important for us to take a moment to reflect on the brave souls that gave up their lives for us to retain our freedom!  Canadians my Mama’s age have never known war, but we see the horror through movies and documentaries on TV.  We see the devastation and suffering people went through and we know these brave souls gave us the ultimate scarifice.  May we and future generations never forget!

  Lest We Forget

I had a great time at dusk last night running on the golf course!  Mama’s brother, Uncle Tom came over at four o’clock to walk with us.  We crossed the little bridge behind our house and of course I did not have my invisible fence collar on.  I stopped before the line and wait for Mama to give me the signal that all is clear.  “Free dog” she smiles at me and away I go!  We are all alone on the course and have a nice walk across the beautiful green fields, around the large pond and back across the little stone bridge.  The sun is setting and Uncle Tom can’t believe how beautifully the sun is setting over the river.  He hasn’t been here with us before. He snaps lots of scenic pictures and takes a selfie with Mama while she takes pictures of me.  I’m not one to pose for a picture so she has to be quick to get my best angle, haha.

Then just as I was heading back to my house, low and behold I see this gorgeous blond running across the field behind my house!  It was Chewy, my golden retriever neighbour.  I’ve never seen her out here before.  Her family were throwing a ball for her and you know me with a ball, I take off wide open and snatch it!  Chewy was so busy saying hello to Mama that she didn’t notice at first.  Then I wouldn’t give the ball back (I hate giving up a ball, even if it’s not mine) but Mama said “drop it” so I did.  At five years old Chewy is faster than me but she gets distracted easily and I dive in for the catch!  I’ll be looking for her now that I know she goes out there!

Nicholas out for a run.

63 Maliseet Drive , Rothesay is sold and closed yesterday.  Congratulations to our sellers and the excited buyers (my favourite valley beach)!  I love this house and look forward to extensive renovations inside and out!  It was already a gorgeous home with great location.  Mama can’t wait to see the finished product.  MLS NB077996 Offered at $2,200,000.

Wishing you a relaxing long weekend and I hope to see you soon!

Your pal,
