Blogging with Buddy, May 15th, 2015

Happy Victoria Day Weekend from Buddy and Nicholas!  We are so looking forward to a nice sunny weekend, some R & R, barbeques, running along the surf and fine sand and more than a few swims in the refreshing Bay of Fundy for Big Buddy Bacon.  Mama says refreshing is a good way to put it and it sure is refreshing to me! This will be our first weekend this year at the camp and we need to supervise the packing and unpacking.  Need to be sure all the proper toys are packed, dog food and a few treats to boot.  Mama says it’s a big job but with our help we’ll roll more than a little fun into the process.  Daddy will moan like a dove about the work but he’ll love every minute of it.  He’s tries to play the big grouch but Mama says he’s just a big loveable teddy bear and I couldn’t agree more.  Buddy Bacon says, “Yeah Daddy, I’ve got your number.  You may complain about the messes we make, how much work we are and the dirt we carry into the house but you just love us to pieces and you just can’t hide it so don’t bother trying!”

I discovered something new this week and I think it must have been named especially for me!  The “Buddy Burger®” at the A & W Restaurant!  I love them, 100% beef raised with no hormones or steroids, only 310 calories, so healthy for Big Buddy Bacon.  Fussy little Nicholas even loves them.  Mama says when she was 16 years old her first summer job was at the A & W Drive-In on Rothesay Ave (now that wasn’t yesterday, be good Buddy).  She had a ball that summer, raking in tips like crazy.  Her brother (our uncle Tom), was only 5 years old at the time and he’d come in for a free Baby Root Beer in a frosty mug (free to those under 6) from time to time.  Wonderful memories for Mama.

Steven is a busy bee with open houses. Saturday from 2 – 4pm he’s at a waterfront ranch-style at 185 McCarthy’s Point Road in Charlotte County, turn left off the old St. Stephen Hwy #175.  Take the Lepreau exit #86 off Hwy #1, past New River Beach to Pocologan (before you get to Seeley’s Cove).  Sunday from 2-4pm he’s in Nauwigewauk at the most scenic waterfront property you’ll ever see overlooking Darlings Island, Darlings Lake and the distance mountains of Pickwauket in Hampton.  Just like something off a post card!  Drop in to say hello at 479 Route 100 at this 2-storey waterfront farm house.

Hope you have a great weekend and don’t forget your sunblock!

You can also now follow me on Twitter @buddybaconblog . Can’t wait to try the new #buddyburger #awrestauraunts.

Buddy Bacon
