Well we are really vamping up our Social Media here at Platinum Properties now that we have Brittany on board! That girl is a wiz with social media, doing everything Mama always hoped for and more with our Facebook (Katherine Bacon), Twitter, Instagram, Linked-In and Pinterest accounts! Yeah Brittany! Nicholas and I are putting our heads together to see what interesting things we can come up with to add to the fun and our dear little friend Jazzy Lynch is really getting right in there! He is so smart and he’s right on board with our on-line social scene. Keep up the good work Jazzy! Here’s an example;

Sales have been brisk and Mama and Amy have been as busy as bees! We now have accepted offers on 1364 Route 845, Clifton Royal, 7 Ambassador Drive, Quispamsis and 200 Inglewood Drive, Grand Bay/Westfield. Just working our way through the conditions to be sure all our i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed for our clients! So nice to see sales brisk as we leave spring and head into summer. Our sellers are busy packing! We’re on a roll!
Hoping I see some sun this weekend as I’ve been very active and want to keep up my swimming. Mama won’t let me go to the beach if it’s cold or cloudy so come on sunshine! There’s a good chance we’re going to walk the nature trail at New River if it can just stay nice out! Paw crossed and hoping!
Your pal,