Wow, I just experience my first bidding war! What a rush! Mama has had a few dozen in her career but it was a whole new experience for the Budster. Nicholas and I went with Mama last Thursday to put the lockbox on our new listing at 48 Aunt Sades Lane off Route 845 on Long Reach. We don’t usually get to do that but Mama had been working some crazy hours and knew we’d enjoy the drive in the country and the ride across the Gondola Point Ferry.
It was a gorgeous sunny evening about 6pm and we both had our heads out the window with our tongues hanging out as we headed down the driveway between the majestic soaring trees. We knew we were in for something special. As we turned the corner the cottage and the river came into view and it was oh so nice, really nice. We bound out of the back seat and started checking everything out. Nicholas headed for the wrap around deck while I surveyed the little bridge over the brook. After Mama installed the lock box, Nicholas and I posed for some pictures with the cottage, the grounds, the river and the beach. There was a nice breeze gently blowing through our fur and the air was so fresh and clean, it was like heaven. I thought to myself, “Wow, hot property!”
I had no idea how hot it was going to be but I wasn’t long finding out. The next day I featured it along with my new pics on my blog and on Saturday it was my choice for “Buddy’s Best” advertisement in the Real Estate Guide. Then away it went, the calls started coming in and the buyers were all over it! Mama was busy booking the showings and spacing them far enough apart that the buyers wouldn’t be bumping into each other. Mama, Steven and Jody all had interested parties as well as three other agents. Sunday night the first call came in that an offer would be written and Monday morning everything went into high gear and the offers started flying in!!! I’ve known the owner of the property since I was a just a puppy so when she arrived at our place at one o’clock on Monday I don’t know who was more excited her or I! Of course Nicholas was his foolish self, giving her kisses and spinning around the foyer which made her laugh and took a bit of the tension out. I have to say these bidding wars are a bit nerve racking when you’re not use to them. It was a first for me and a first for her. Good thing Mama is experienced and got us all calmed down. The lady sat at the table and reviewed each offer with Mama carefully weighing the pros and cons of each one. I sat right with her letting her know that she had my support. She kept gently rubbing my head and I could tell it was keeping her calm and focused. Two of the bids were over asking price which was so nice to see in the middle of a recession. Of course she took the best one with the highest price and the least amount of conditions. She was extremely happy and so were we! It couldn’t have happened for a nicer person. The closing is quick and the process was painless!

Tuesday evening, once again we jumped in the SUV and headed for 48 Aunt Sades Lane on another warm sunny evening. This time Papa came along for the drive and Mama posted the SOLD sign and removed the lock box. Then Nicholas and I were in for a big surprise. Mama told us that she had permission from the owner for the two of us to go for a “Celebration Swim” in honour of all our hard work on the bidding war! Off we flew, down to the beach and right into the river! Nicholas of course did a big dive; he’s such a show off, while I cruised up and down the shoreline just out over my head. When Mama says that I float like a boat it’s no joke, I do! Then low and behold who jumps in with us but Mama! She doesn’t get in with us much at New River Beach (just to her knees) as she says the waters too cold but the water is warm in the St. John River, just like a bath tub. She headed right for me with long sure strokes and the three of us totally enjoyed a refreshing swim. Me being a Newfoundland dog I kept a really close eye on her. If she showed any sign of needing help I was ready to pull her to shore. Nicholas and I had a real ball swimming with Mama. Papa was a chicken; he didn’t come in but just laughed and watched us from the shore. I have to say that my first bidding war was one of my best and most memorable experiences in real estate to date but as Mama says in this business you never know what’s just around the corner!
We just can’t hold Steven down! He’s having a special open house this New Brunswick Day Weekend on Saturday from 11am to 2pm at 868 Route 845 in Kingston, just around the corner from the Kingston Farmers Market.
This quality Queen built home is nestled in the picturesque Kingston in a park-like setting on 28 acres with a pond, babbling brook & meandering walking trails. It is in mint condition and has a huge wrap-around covered veranda. This is country living at its best! How much fun could Nicholas and the Budster have on 28 acres??? I love this farmers market and this house is so close by, drop in to say hello to Steven while you’re there, he’s always happy to see you.
Have a fun and relaxing New Brunswick Day weekend! Nicholas and I plan on being a pair of beach bums. If you see us come over to say hello but don’t be surprised if you get a kiss from Nicholas.
Your pal,