Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in New Brunswick as the soft fluffy flakes fall silently to the snow covered ground. Nothing makes Buddy Bacon happier than a good snow storm! I was out early this morning with Nicholas having a quick tear around the yard, rolling and rolling in the cold fluffy white stuff and enjoying a few cool licks. All Mama has to say in the morning is “It snowed!” and we go tearing out the door, tails wagging.
We’re getting all ready for Santa Paws and we are trying to be on our best behaviour (really isn’t easy). We’re sure hoping he finds our house again this year! I’m hoping for some new toys and a few pigs ears. All Nicholas wants is balls, balls, balls and more balls. He usually gets treats too but usually doesn’t eat them so I just mosey on over and have his too!!!
House prices are holding strong in the local market will no drops in sight in the near future. What we do know is that bank interest rates are going up so if you’re thinking of a mortgage or refinancing do it soon and lock in for as long as you can so that you’ll know exactly what your monthly payments are for years to come. Varitable rates are very attractive but change daily and could cause you unforeseen financial grief down the road if rates double! The Christmas season is always a slower season in real estate as buyers take a break to enjoy the holiday and all it entails to the fullest. Only the most serious buyers will be out looking at houses this week but once January rolls around things will go back to normal. The new normal is a shortage of house listings on the market as New Brunswick proves to be THE place to live and the word is spreading.
From Nicholas and Buddy Bacon we wish you a very Merry Christmas and peace, good health and prosperity throughout 2022!
Merry Christmas, your pal,