Well with Christmas just around the corner it’s beginning to look very festive around our house! Yours too? We’ve been helping Mama inside and out, first with the big wreath and planters outside the front door and by the pond and then placing our nostalgic decorations around the rooms inside. Both Mama and Papa love Christmas and been collecting special pieces on the travels for years. Mama has her mothers, aunts and grandmothers old items from as far back as 1918. Nicholas and I have our own little animal tree up in the family room. We love it and just stare at it by the hour waiting for old Santa Paws to drop off our presents. We’ve tried to be good boys all year but I have to say it hasn’t been easy! I stole Papa’s glove a few time and even stole one right off the hand of one the workers in our yard. Don’t know what is going on with Nicholas but this year he just doesn’t want to listen at all, just ignoring Mama and Papa when they call him. Guess he thinks he’s his own boss! We have a special stocking for him hanging on the mantle that reads “The Boss”. Mine say “Dear Santa Paws, I’ve been a dog dawg all year, please leave lots of treats”!
On the real estate front, serious buyers are still out viewing our listings looking for that special place that they will call home in the new year. Many buyers right now from Ontario looking to move to our beautiful province who are doing virtual Facetime and Duo showings with Mama and Charlie. They love the fun new tech stuff, always something new to make the business more efficient for buyer, sellers and their Realtors!
We are soooooo very happy to be back in zone yellow in New Brunswick!!! It’s was so hard on everyone going through the orange stage again, causing a lot of stress in an already very stressful season. Our hearts go out to all those who cannot be together this Christmas due to Covid. Keep in mind that it’s very important that we stay cautious and there is light in sight as we start receiving the vaccine this week! This will be our very first Christmas ever without dear Lisa who lives in Ottawa. Mama and Papa will miss her but it’s just not safe for her to come home right now. We have been having some nice talks on Facetime (she likes to see our smiling faces and vice versa) and this summer she’s going to come home for an extended stay to make up for this time missed! I guess we’ll have Christmas in July! Then I can take her down to New River Beach and show off my improved swimming skills.
We have an accepted offer on the lake front property I featured in my last blog, 49 Farrell Lane. An Ontario buyer who is just over the moon they are so excited about their purchase. It’s everything they ever dreamed of and more!
Hope you have a good week, it’s going to be busy, busy, busy with last minute shopping, decorating, picking up our live Christmas tree and a wee bit of our favourite baking! Talk with you soon an stay safe!
Your pal