As the real estate market continues to boom in New Brunswick, listing are getting more rare and prices continue to soar! When will it end? I don’t think it will end any time soon. With only approximately 600 listings on the MLS from Sussex to St Stephen including residential, muiltifamily, commercial, building lots and land, the inventory has never been so low with bidding wars so frequent! Even as things calm down and sales stop happening in an hour or a day, I believe the prices will stay stable as the new norm, although the timeline will calm down. Sellers suffered for decades in this province with home prices far below the national average. Buyers from other provinces thought we were giving houses away and we practically were! This is the first time in Mama’s career that she has experienced a seller’s market and it’s as if everything is turned upside down. Nicholas and I have been practically pulling our hair out as we try to find our good furry friends Special and Spirit their new home. The girls have to be out in two weeks!!! We score the MLS system with Mama, looking and looking, then we head out in our red truck to showings with their mother to view properties that meet all the requirements but no luck yet! If you hear of anyone wanting to sell, we’re looking for something with three acres or more (100 would be great), with or without a house, master and laundry on the main level, waterfront would be nice but not necessary as would a pond but that can always be added, within twenty minutes of Rothesay in any direction. Can have a nice house, or no house, fixer upper, tear down, need renos or need an addition, or mint condition; we’re wide open. What’s most important is a nice pice of flat land large enough to afford privacy. Cash sale, no financing! Email me at or call Mama unless you speak dog.
We weathered the storm and what a storm is was!!! Thursday night in the wee hours about 4am Nicholas and I caught the first strikes of lightning out of the corner of our eye and heard the booms of thunder. We ran full tilt to Mama and Papa’s room. Nicholas jumped on the bed near the pillows and wrapped himself around Mama and I propelled myself up on the bench to launch myself into the center of the king bed. Thank God it’s a king because I can tell you it was a bit crowed. Papa wasn’t impressed but Mama understood that we were scared and did her best to sooth us. Then the rain poured and poured as it did last night too. This morning the air was so nice and fresh as we went out and helped Papa feed the birds. Whew, glad that storm is behind us.
We’re hoping this weekend to get down the New River Beach for a nice refreshing swim!!! Can’t wait. Stay safe, continue to wear your mask and have a good weekend.
Your pal,