Blogging with Buddy, October 28, 2016

Are you all ready for Halloween?  Nicholas and I are all set, costumes ready and looking for treats!  We know a few good tricks if we don’t get any haha (but don’t tell Mama)!  Share with me a pic of your costume to, love to see it.

If you’re out and about walking the trails of Rothesay or Quispamsis don’t forget that the bow hunters are out with permission from the town and some of the property owners to shot the local doe.  We are always very careful to wear our hunter orange scarves and we met a boy and girl this morning (German Short Haired Pointer and Springer Spaniel) who were also wearing loud bells that sounded like cow bells.  We could hear them coming for a mile away!  Mama asked their parents where they got them and they said an Outdoor Outfitters.  Seems like a good idea.  You can never be too careful when in the woods during hunting season.

It’s the season for hunter’s orange!

Steven is taking it easy on a very well deserved holiday to the sunny south.  We hope he gets a nice dark tan and some R & R!  I heard he’d be swimming in a pool and I was pea green with envy!  I’d have carried his luggage to tag along but Mama says it’s too hot for a big Newf like me down there.  Candace and Jody have been busy with showings to potential buyers and Mama’s been negotiating offers like crazy.  Busiest we’ve been in five years!  Meanwhile I got the lock box removed off 3189 Rothesay Road now that is sold.  Happy to be doing my part for team!
So happy to have the lockbox off 3189 Rothesay Road.

I continue on my program with Dr. Bogdin and this week started the underwater treadmill!!!  Boy oh boy, it’s unbelievable!  I walk right into this huge glass tank and surprise, surprise, Dr Bogdin comes right in with me. He’s is so very nice and kind.  You can tell he really loves animals, calls me Big Boy!  We get in and he turns on the water which starts seeping in around the floor.  It’s rising higher and higher right up to my belly and then he hits a button and the big tread mill starts slowly moving.  At first I didn’t know what to think with the floor under me started moving but he was right there to reassure me that all was well and I started walking along through the water.  You know I love the water so this was a real treat.  We started out very easy at a slow walk for four minutes then I had a good rest and then we did this two more times.  I can tell you that it’s a work out but I felt great!  I highly recommend it!  Then he shut it off, the water drained out and I came back down the gradual ramp.  I’m going to be getting this once a week all winter and it will be especially good once the snow starts and the walking is not so good.
I hope you have a nice weekend.  Not supposed to be great weather but I can tell you that I’m certainly enjoying the cool refreshing temperatures.

Your pal,

Big Buddy Bacon  buddy-paw-print