Blogging with Buddy, October 21, 2016

Had another Bidding War last week!!!  What’s more fun than a bidding war in real estate?  Not too much, I can tell you.  Our listing at 36 Yacht Haven Lane was on the market for some time and then “Bam” it’s gone at a bidding war!  That’s how it goes with real estate, just when you think nothing is happening the fun begins.  Rare to have a bidding war in this market and this is our third this year so far!  We were sooo… excited that we went out to have our pics taken with Mama and the Sold sign, ha, ha, ha.  Congratulations to the owners!

36 Yacht Haven Lane, SOLD
3189 Rothesay Road, SOLD

Another exciting event for us is the sale of 3189 Rothesay Road, a stunning heritage home listed by Mama and sold by Steven on our Team Platinum.  Way to go Team!!!  This is our second sale of a large heritage home in the heart of Rothesay this year as earlier we sold 18 Hampton Road as well.  Team Platinum is on a roll!!!

I started a new diet this week with Dr Bogdin who specializes in Chinese medicine.  Dr Kelley is still my vet but I’m going to work on my weight loss with the natural herbs and ancient techniques that Dr Bogdin is so knowledgeable in.  He’s a super nice guy, calls me “Big Boy”.  Always talking with me and rubbing my fur while I’m there for my sessions.  With Dr Kelley and Dr Bogdin I’m in good hands!  This means extra work for Mama as all my meals are home cooked now with certain ingredients, no more dog food for Buddy Bacon!  I can tell you I’m loving it and feeling very spoiled.  Nicholas has his meals home cooked as well so he’s quick happy I’m on it.  I like to share with the little fella.  Mama will make up all our meals for the week on Sunday and then we’ll be ready to roll all week long.  I can tell you I’ve only been on this one week and no one can believe the difference in me!  I’m much more active, playing, walking and swimming further, faster and even doing a bit of running.  You can tell on my face that I’m a happier boy these days with my big smile!

Steven is hosting an open house this Saturday at 33 Deveber Terrace, Millidgeville, from 1:30pm – 4:30pm.  He invites you to drop in to view this lovely, well-kept bungalow in mint condition with tasteful updates.

Supposed to get some rain this weekend but I hope you have a great one.

Your pal,

Big Buddy BaconPaw Print